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CSS3 and HTML5 Articles
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CSS3 Transforms: Adding 2D and 3D Effects To Web Pages
A comprehensive look at 2D and 3D transforms in CSS3.
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Using CSS3 and Lettering.js to create a neon text effect
This tutorial looks at how to combine CSS3 and Lettering.js to create neon looking text that "burns out" partially when the mouse rolls over it. HTML5 audio is thrown in to elevate the experience.
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CSS3 Semi Opaque Menu
This menu takes advantage of CSS3 gradient background and SVG in IE9 to produce a menu with a semi opaque rollover effect.
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CSS3 Loading Animation Loop
This tutorial looks at how to create 3 different CSS3 animation loops, useful for example in rendering pure CSS preloaders.
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HTML5 Mouseover/ Click sound effect
This script uses HTML5's new audio element to allow you to easily add sound effects to any action on the page, such as when the user clicks or rolls over a link.
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Image frames using CSS3 border-image
CSS3 makes it possible to specify an image as an element's border, in turn enabling effects such as a picture frame.
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Introducing the HTML5 History API
The HTML5 history API enables you to perform tasks such as moving forward and backward in the session history, adding new entries into the history, and more.
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Experimenting with Firefox 4’s CSS element() function
FF4 supports the -moz-element() CSS function, which lets you use an arbitrary HTML element as a background image for the background and background-image properties.
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Masonry CSS- vertical floats using CSS3
Radu shows us how to do vertical floats, where elements hug one another vertically, using CSS3 columns.